Mitch Ditkoff certain has some excellent points about creating new ideas. Many of which make natural sense and all can be countered and rebuffed. The first “being fascinated” with things, It makes sense, first something gets your attention than your own ideals shape it into your own idea. The next being “immersion”, devoting yourself to something to learn more about or to better understand it. Next being “Tolerate ambiguity,” in other word being able to cope with a failed idea, one could argue it wasn’t a failure rather a learning experience. The next one is one that has been drilling into every media major at OU, “make connections,” it’s obvious and vital for both career and idea creation. The next one is a personal favorite “fantasize,” it’s rather simple; ideas spark from a fantasy and then get ironed out by rational thought. After that it’s the “find the right challenge”, in other words slows down and knows what you’re trying to solve before you try to solve it. The one after that is a little harder to grasp “listening to your subconscious” but that’s the pain of the subconscious, it’s hidden and difficult to get too. Leading to the next one Is another favorite “take a break” this tip is exactly what it sounds like, often the solution becomes clear after a short time away from the problem. Next is the “notice and challenge existing patterns and trends” it explains itself, breakthrough ideas aren’t called that if they follow the normal way of thinking. “Hang out with diverse groups of people” another one that pretty much explains itself, by expanding your social group you add a variety of opinion and thought process to influence your own to develop new ideas. “Brainstorm” this one actually isn’t what many believe it too be, its not just throwing ideas at each other but rather casual exchange of information which may bridge the gap between two people’s and develop the break through. The next one is rather tricky :”look for happy accidents” essentially a random happenstance that sparks the discover, this one is largely based on luck. “Use creative thinking methods” this one is rather vague, it is essentially thinking in a different way to try and spark the idea. Lastly is another favorite “suspend logic” in other words enter a state of mind where real logic need not apply, like watching a movie, reading a book, or playing a game.
Number five is a very personal favorite and one that I truly do get and understand. This is because I’m a day dreamer, it’s a curse but my mind wanders the moment I defocus off my topic. When this occurs I start thinking about so many little story ideas at such a rate that, on a good day, I can get a rough basic beginning middle and end in the brief span between when I lose focus and then get it sparked back into focuses. I’m not stroking my ego; I’m merely saying what my mind does. At the same time many of my little ideas die when I get shocked back into focus, but occasionally I get one that sticks and I start developing it more in my free time. So yes fantasizing is immensely powerful tactic in the creative process.
Number twelve, a happy accident sparking a true breakthrough strikes me as rather silly. It is pure luck that such an event comes out of the blue to miraculously solve your problem. I’m not saying that it’s not possible, history is filled with those geniuses who were already intelligent and had a stroke of luck point out the answer to them. But at the same time to list this as an actual way to get an idea just doesn’t seem right to me. Sure allow it but make it more of a foot note rather than an actual idea. Just because the actually likely hood of it happening is slim to none.
Number fourteen is another one I can understand and agree with. But it can also be a issue. Yes allowing oneself to turn off their logic is great and it leads to many potential ideas but still one best screen all the ideas that come out of it. I say this because after I watch and anime or movie or even when I finish a game, my randomly generated ideas tend to share similar traits with those that I had indulged in. I at one point was sharing an idea for a game when they pointed out that I sounded eerily familiar to an anime, it turns out that while I had never seen it my ideas nearly mirrored it. Again the point I try to make is that if are struck by a bolt of brilliance while suspending your logic, you have to make sure you check it carefully to see how original you are being.
As for what I intend to do. I accept challenge fourteen, I will suspend my logic by suspending my logic. To do so I will watch various anime and play games and try to get my mind into those worlds clearing my own logic in the process.
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