Friday, July 8, 2011

Blog post 2.3

My song for the second project.

My comments


  1. I thought you did a great job creating a great shape to your song. The layers fit really well together. The change in timbre throughout suits the piece really well and adds emotion. I really like the string in combination with the bass line. The difference in pitch creates a fantastic dynamic contrast between the melody and the bass. I like the rhythm at the beginning. It suits as a great introduction to your piece. The fluidity of the next section is probably my favorite. The change in mood adds another layer of emotion and keeps the listener from getting bored. I thought you did a great job!

  2. Andrew,
    This song is terrific. Your combination of keyboards and strings produced something very relaxing, made more so by its organization and lack of surprising moments. The shape isn't affected too much, the song isn't too intense, the speed is more or less constant, and the pitch, far as I can tell, is about the same throughout. One thing that struck me, though, is that it starts as a party song, then quickly transforms into the "walking your dog on the beach" song. While the "party" theme does nicely in the background as it becomes softer, it's a strange introduction to such a peaceful song, in my opinion. Still, this is extremely impressive. Well done.

  3. Hey, I thought you did a fantastic job at this. i couldn't help but to notice how well you layered your song though. The organization, in my opinion, seemed almost perfect. Every time when you ended and instrument, the transition to the next instrument seemed perfect. The speed of the song was very moderate and it really lets you actually get into it. The intensity seemed to me, very soft. Of course, in some areas, particularly towards the end, it seemed to get a little louder but it was pretty much just soft throughout it. Overall I thought you did a pretty good job and I enjoyed listening to it.

  4. Hey man, I thought you did a great job with this song. I thought it was cool how you layered you song to make the timbre complex. I personally couldn't find a kind of traditional organization in the structure of your song. I liked the sequencing and the layering of your instrumentation. The violins and the drumbeats could be my favorite parts. I like that you had some sorts of tension and release with the layering of your instrumentation. I think you did a seriously good job making a pretty dynamic song that had a fantastic flow to it. Kudos..
